Athletic Trainer

I am so excited to be the new Athletic Trainer for Salem Hills High School! I grew up in Las Vegas playing volleyball and then began playing rugby at BYU. It was my love of sports that made me fall in love with Sports Medicine. I received my Bachelor's In Exercise Science and Master’s in Athletic Training from BYU. I just graduated but I have experience from working with youth sport camps, clinical physical therapy, and collegiate athletes. I am a two time National Champion from playing with the BYU Women’s Rugby team. I am also still finding ways to continue playing after college. In my free time I obviously still love playing rugby, but I love anything sports related and spending time with friends and family. I can't wait for school to start and hit the ground running. I look forward to meeting everyone and helping our athletes to the best of my abilities. Let's go Skyhawks!

Office Hours: 2:30 - 6:00 pm or until practices or games are over

Your Protection is Our Priority: Athletic Trainers - Health Care for life and sports

Athletic Trainers

Health care professionals who render service or treatment, under the direction of or in collaboration with a physician, in accordance with their education and training and the states' statutes, rules and regulations. As a part of the health care team, services provided by ATs include injury and illness prevention, wellness promotion and education, emergent care, examination and clinical diagnosis, therapeutic intervention, and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions.

Sources for Athlete Physicals

Canyon View Medical offers free physicals to athletes of Nebo School District. 

Two requirements are:

  1. That you call and schedule an appointment, locations and contact information are found through the above button link. 

  2. That you bring in your NSD physical form filled out for the doctor to complete.

The following locations have hard copies of the Nebo School District physical form that is required to participate in athletics in Nebo School District. Please make your appointment and arrive with your copy completed before the appointment, but they can make a blank copy for you if you forgot yours.

All physicals must be completed before tryouts or beginning practice of your sport.

  • Canyon View Family Medicine in Spanish Fork

  • Canyon View Pediatrics in Spanish Fork

  • Hillside Medical in Salem

  • Hometown Health Care in Salem

  • Revere Health in Payson, Salem, and Spanish Fork

  • Utah Valley Pediatrics in Payson and Spanish Fork

Athletic Trainers are Health Care