One Hour. One Dollar. One Item. YOU can make a BIG difference!
2024-25 SHHS PTO Board
President: Missy Beutler
President Elect:
Secretary/Treasurer: Hailey Short
Communications: Tanya Willis
Committee Chairpersons
T.E.A.M. Salem PTO Reps: Talina McConahay and Shelly Kenison
T.E.A.M. Salem Student President: Shayden Steele
SEP Dinners: Kristie Hansen
Staff Birthdays: Deborah Johnson
Fundraiser: Tanya Willis
Teacher Appreciation Week: Kristie Hansen
Monday Munchies: position needs filled
Expressions Arts Fair: position needs filled

It's so easy to help the SHHS PTO and T.E.A.M. Salem. Click here and see how you can contribute.
Don't have the time to donate or bring items to the school? Make a monetary donation and we will do it for you! No Commitment Required.